School Board Policies
The efficient operation of the Van Buren Public Schools requires the adoption of policies and procedures that apply to all phases of the school program. These policies and regulations set the pattern for the program of education in Van Buren. The carrying out of these policies is the responsibility of all teachers and employees of the Van Buren Public Schools.The policies and regulations contained in this manual will serve as a guide for the staff in performing their duties. Teachers and other employees of the district will find the information particularly helpful.
Board Governance and Operations
1.1 -- Duties of the Board.pdf
1.2--Organization of the Board of Education.pdf
1.3- - School Attendance Zones.pdf
1.4.1--Board Member Voting.pdf
1.4.2--Attending Meetings Remotely.pdf
1.9 -- Drug and Alcohol Program for Bus Drivers.pdf
1.9F1 -- Drug Testing Form.pdf
1.10--Child Nutrition Services.pdf
1.13--Emergency Policy on Wearing Face Masks and Face Coverings.pdf
1.21--Date of Annual School Board Election.pdf
1.31--Administration of School Attendance Zones.pdf
2.1--Superintendent of Schools.pdf
2.2--Student Calendar 23-24.pdf
2.3 -- Deputy Superintendent of Schools.pdf
2.4--Assistant Superintendent.pdf
2.5--Director of Curriculum.pdf
2.6 -- Director of Athletics and Student Activities.pdf
2.7 -- Duties of Principals.pdf
2.7.1--Employment of Principals.pdf
2.7.2--Administrator Evaluator Certification.pdf
2.8 -- Duties of Assistant Principals.pdf
2.9 -- Duties of Curriculum Coaches.pdf
Certified Personnel
3.3 Personnel Policy Committee.pdf
3.7 Bus Driver Drug Testing.pdf
3.8.1--Certified Salary Schedule 2024-2025.pdf
3.8.1b--Certified Salary Schedule 2024-2025.pdf
3.8.2- Certified Stipend Schedule.pdf
3.8.3--Administrative Salary Schedule 2024-2025.pdf
3.9.1--Background Checks for Certified Personnel.pdf
3.11 Personal and Professional Leave.pdf
3.11.1--Placement of Instructional Personnel.pdf
3.12--Responsibilities in Dealing with Sex Offenders on Campus.pdf
3.15--Leave-Injury From Assault.pdf
3.21 Use of Tobacco, Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, and Related Products.pdf
3.22--Dress of Licensed Employees.pdf
3.24--Licensed Personnel Debts.pdf
3.25F--Level Two Grievance Form.pdf
3.27--Supervision of Students.pdf
3.28 Technology Use Policy.pdf
3.28F Employee Internet Use Agreement.pdf
3.29 Licensed Personnel School Calendar.pdf
3.30--Parent-Teacher Communication.pdf
3.31F--Drug Free Workplace Policy Acknowledgement.pdf
3.33 Assignment of Extra Duties for Licensed Personnel.pdf
3.35 Licensed Personnel Benefits.pdf
3.36 Licensed Personnel Renewal and Termination.pdf
3.37--Assignment of Teachers Aides.pdf
3.38 Responsibilities Governing Bullying.pdf
3.40 Duties as Mandated Reporters.pdf
3.41--Video Surveillance and Other Monitoring.pdf
3.42 Obtaining and Releasing Student's Free and Reduced Price Meal Eligibility Information.pdf
3.43--Duty of Licensed Employees to Maintain License in Good Standing.pdf
3.44 Workplace Injuries and Workers' Compensation.pdf
3.45 Social Networking and Ethics.pdf
3.47--Depositing Collected Funds.pdf
3.51 School Bus Driver's Use of Mobile Communication Devices.pdf
3.53--Bus Driver End of Route Review.pdf
3.54 Voluntary Teaching During Planning Period.pdf
3.55 Use of Personal Protective Equipment.pdf
4.1.1--Admission of Nonresident & Home School Students.pdf
4.1.2--School Choice Policy.pdf for Acceptance and Rejection of School Choice Nonresident Students.pdf
4.1.4--Student Transfer-Student Assignment to Class.pdf
4.1.5 -- Student Expelled in a Former District.pdf
4.1.6--Placement of Multiple Birth Siblings PK-Grade Six.pdf
4.2.3--Attendance-Elementary K-5.pdf
4.2.4--Attendance-Middle School-Grades 6, 7, and 8.pdf
4.2.5--Attendance-Senior High School-Grades 9, 10, 11, 12.pdf
4.3--Student Conduct Behavior Code.pdf
4.3.1--Student Discipline-General Statement of Jursidiction.pdf
4.3.2 -- Rules and Regulations.pdf
4.3.3--Chemical Screen Policy.pdf
4.3.3F1--Chemical Screen Consent Form.pdf
4.3.3F2--Chemical Screen Notification of Violation.pdf
4.3.5--Student Sexual Harassment.pdf
4.3.6--Student Conduct-Bullying.pdf
4.3.7--Authority for Student Discipline.pdf
4.3.9 Process for Resolving Parental Concerns and or Other Complaints.pdf
4.4--Personal and Property Searches.pdf
4.5.1 -- Emergency Suspension.pdf
4.6 -- Student Discipline -- Assault and Abuse of Students.pdf
4.9--Tobacco and Tobacco Products 072418.pdf
4.11--Equal Educational Opportunity.pdf
4.13--Privacy of Students Records.pdf
4.13F--Objection to Publication of Directory Information.pdf
4.14--Communicable Diseases.pdf
4.15.1--Student Records-Child Abuse.pdf
4.16 -- Questionnaires and Surveys.pdf
4.19--Contact With Students While At School.pdf
4.22--Weapons and Dangerous Instruments 072418.pdf
4.29-Internet Safety and Electronic Device Use Policy.pdf
4.29F--Student Electronic Device and Internet Use Agreement.pdf
4.29F--Student Electronic Device and Internet Use Agreement SPANISH.pdf
4.35F--Medication Administration Consent Form.pdf
4.45--Smart Core Graduation 2017.pdf
4.45.1--Smart Core Curriculum and Grad Requirements-Class of 2027 and Thereafter.pdf
4.45.1F1--Smart Core Informed Consent Form (Class of 2018 and After).pdf
4.45.2--Van Buren High School Diplomas.pdf
4.48--Video Surveillance and Other Student Monitoring.doc.pdf
4.51--Food Service Prepayment.pdf
4.56--Extracurricular Activities-Secondary Schools.pdf
4.60--Behavior Intervention and Restraint.pdf
Curriculum and Instruction
5.2 -- Assessment and Accountability.pdf
5.4--Smart Core Curriculum Policy.pdf
5.9 -- Student Early Release.pdf
5.12--Student Activities Policy.pdf
5.15 -- Graduation Exercises.pdf
5.15.1--Semester Test Exemption.pdf
5.18--Request for Reconsideration of Instructional_Supplemental Materials.pdf
5.20F1-- Checklist for Reconsideration of a Work.pdf
5.22--Alternative Learning Environment.pdf
5.23--ALE Program Evaluation.pdf
5.29--District Wellness Policy.pdf
School, Home, and Community Relations
6.1 -- Relations with Parents' Organizations.pdf
6.2 -- Citizen's Advisory Committees.pdf
6.6--Use of School Facilities.pdf
6.6.1--Joint Use Agreement.pdf
6.6F1--Use of Facilities Form.pdf
6.7 Parent Involvement Plan.pdf
6.7.1 -- Parental Involvement Policy.pdf
6.8--VBSD Fine Arts Center Operating Manual.pdf
6.8.1 -- Rules of Use -- District FAC.pdf
6.8.2 -- Rules of Use -- Non-District FAC.pdf
6.8.3 -- Student Use Contract FAC.pdf
6.8.4--VBSDFAC Use Request.pdf
6.8.5-- VBSDFAC Rental Rate Sheet.pdf
6.8.6--VBSDFAC-Ticket Sales for Commercial Events.pdf
6.9--Van Buren School District Fine Arts Center Art Gallery.pdf
6.9F1--Van Buren School District Fine Arts Center Art Gallery Contract.pdf
6.9F2--Record of Consignment.pdf
6.9F3--Bill of Sale for Art.pdf
6.10--Sex Offenders On Campus (Megan's Law).pdf
6.11--Visitors To The Schools.pdf
Business Management
7.2--Annual Operating Budget.pdf
7.2.1 -- Revenues from Federal Funds.pdf
7.5--Purchases and Procurement.pdf
7.5F--Commodities Bidder Affidavit.pdf
7.5F2--Food Service Commodities Bidder Affidavit.pdf
7.6 -- Collection and Deposit of Funds.pdf
7.10--Purchasing Authority.pdf
7.11--Electronic Fund Transfers.pdf
7.11F1--Electronic Fund Transfers Form.pdf
7.12--Requisition and Purchase Order System.pdf
7.12.1--Certified Personnel Reimbursement for Purchase of Supplies.pdf
7.13--Management and Disposal of District Property.pdf
7.13F2--Inventory Fixed Assest Statement of Assurance.pdf
7.15--Record Retention and Destruction.pdf
7.17--Expense Reimbursement.pdf
7.21--Naming School Facilities.pdf
7.22--Booster Club and Parent Organization Guidelines.pdf
7.22.1--Internal Audit Guidlines for Booster Clubs, Support Groups, and Parent Organizations.pdf
7.22.2--Recommended Internal Control Guidelines for Booster Clubs..pdf
7.24--Advertising on School Buses.pdf
Classified Personnel
8.1 Classified Personnel Policy Committee.pdf
8.2 Classified Salary Schedule.pdf
8.2.1 Classified Salary Schedule 2024-2025.pdf
8.2.1b Adult Education Salary Schedule 2024-2025.pdf
8.2.2--Classified Personnel Evaluations.pdf
8.7- Personal and Professional Leave.pdf
8.8--Responsibilities in Dealing with Sex Offenders on Campus.pdf
8.11--Overtime, Comptime, and Complying with FLSA.pdf
8.13 Classified Employment.pdf
8.15 Use of Tobacco, Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and Related Products.pdf
8.16--Classified Personnel -- Dress of Employees.pdf
8.17--Classified Employee Political Activity.pdf
8.19F--Level Two Grievance Form.pdf
8.21--Classified Personnel -- Supervision of Students.pdf
8.22 Technology Use Policy.pdf
8.22F Internet Use Agreement.pdf
8.23--Family Medical Leave.pdf
8.24 School Bus Driver's Use of Mobile Communication Devices.pdf
8.26 Responsibilities Governing Bullying.pdf
8.27--Leave-Injury From Assault.pdf
8.28F--Drug-Free Workplace Policy Acknowledgement.pdf
8.29--Video Surveillance and Other Monitoring.pdf
8.31 Classified Personnel Renewal and Termination.pdf
8.33 Classified Personnel School Calendar.pdf
8.34- Duties as Mandated Reporters.pdf
8.35 Obtaining and Releasing Student's Free and Reduced Price Meal Eligibility Information.pdf
8.36 Workplace Injuries and Workers' Compensation.pdf
8.37- Social Networking and Ethics.pdf
8.39--Depositing Collected Funds.pdf
8.42--Bus Driver End of Route Review.pdf
8.43 Use of Personal Protective Equipment.pdf